Interview: Carmen DeSousa
While Carmen DeSousa does not write “Christian” books, she does share her characters’ Christian beliefs. Her characters are real people who come with real flaws; no perfect people allowed.
She characterizes her stories as modern-day fairy tales, as they are overflowing with romance, mystery, suspense, and of course, tragedy. After all, what would a fairytale be without a tragic event setting the stage? All of her novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic and will hopefully make you cry, laugh, love, and hope.
Both of her published novels, She Belongs to Me and Land of the Noonday Sun, have reached bestseller status right alongside Nicholas Sparks, J.D. Robb, and other great authors. Her third novel, Entangled Dreams, releases September 2012.
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
I love being able to create characters that reach into a reader’s soul, making them feel as if they are living and breathing individuals.
What genre(s) do you write?
Romantic-Suspense. I characterize my stories as modern-day fairy tales, as they are overflowing with romance, mystery, suspense, and of course, tragedy. After all, what would a fairytale be without a tragic event setting the stage? All of my novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic and will hopefully make you cry, laugh, love, and hope.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Ending it. I fall in love with my characters and don’t want to let them go. I end up having to trim away scenes, so my stories won’t be too long.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A pantser without a doubt. Even when I write a whodunit, I’m not sure who did it until the end.
Why do you think people should choose your books over another author?
For years, I watched as writers felt in order to tell a story they had to shock their readers with graphic scenes. My goal is to take you to the precipice in all areas of my writing. My stories do have violence and sex as they are a part of life, but I leave the best parts to your imagination, as I believe most readers have marvelous imaginations. That’s why they read.
What do you hope readers take with them after reading one of your stories?
Above all, love and hope. My stories are about overcoming adversity and finding a way to live again.
How long have you been a writer?
My entire life, but I decided to seek publication in 2010.
How much time did it take from writing your first book to having it published?
Approximately eighteen months.
What other careers have you had?
Sales and marketing for fifteen years. Editing ten years.
Are any of your characters based on real people or events?
Yes, but I won’t tell you which book or characters.
What books or authors have most influenced your life?
Sidney Sheldon
Iris Johansen
Nicholas Sparks
Jaime Rush
How do your family and/or friends feel about your book or writing venture in general?
Shocked the heck out of the ones I told. I kept it a secret for two years until I decided to publish. Yep, even my husband didn’t know.
Where are you from?
I’m a Florida native.
How do you come up with the titles?
Usually from a line in the novel that best describes the story.
Has your life changed significantly since becoming a published writer?
Not really. I’m still me.
Do you work on one project at a time? Or do you multi-task?
Multi-task without a doubt. I have three in the stage of editing at the moment, and I’m writing two.
When not writing, how do you relax?
Is this a rhetorical question? Read, of course.
Please share with us your future projects and upcoming releases.
I have two follow up novels my readers might be interested in:
Split Decisions is the follow up to She Belongs to Me
When Noonday Ends is the follow up to Land of the Noonday Sun
Love Like Crazy is my first young adult, which I believe adult readers will still enjoy.
Pen Name: Carmen DeSousa
Book Title: Entangled Dreams
Book description:
When Alexandra Nicole was eight, she thought she was a princess in a fairytale. But after a tragic accident shatters her magical life, she finds herself in a cold and heartless reality.
As an adult, she once again faces harsh truths and decides to take control of her destiny. Unfortunately, choices have a way of entangling her dreams and pushing her down a dark and dismal path.
Alexandra must trust her instincts to escape danger, but be able to surrender all to find her happily ever after. Knowing how to decipher the difference, will be her toughest challenge.
Thank you, Paula, for allowing me to visit with you and your readers. I hope you will enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. I love chatting with readers, so please connect with me via the links above. Happy reading, friends!