Interview with Heidi Ruby Miller


Heidi Ruby Miller

Heidi Ruby Miller, author of the recently released novel Greenshift has a feature on her blog called: Meet the Authors.

Heidi Ruby MillerShe introduces 6 new authors at a time and their books calling it her Pick Six. (Why my subconscious tends to write Six Pack might be worth some investigation). Today I’m among the lucky six: “Next Time Lucky: Lessons of a Matchmaker” is my novel presented there.

If you haven’t read this book on dating, sex, and relationships in the days of online chat rooms, and if you’re single, you may want to check it out.

A sassy read that plays in Ireland is geared to divorced people who want a second chance in life in this game called love. A slight warning: there are some salacious paragraphs.

Here are a couple of morsels from the interview:

1. Which of your characters is your favorite?

Connor – Such a gem! Even better than in real life!

2. Tell me about your travels.

Home Swapping is the way to go! You can save thousands of dollars on your vacation by swapping your home and car. You may be in for a few surprises, however, I wrote a little eBook about it:

3. What is the toughest scene you ever wrote?

The sex scenes. My husband who edited the book wanted me to get more graphic…}

4. Where do you find your inspiration to write?

In my fellow human beings all around me. Life can be stranger than fiction.

5. Celebrity crush.

Pierce Brosnan. After seeing him in Tomorrow Never Dies, I went to a pub and met his doppelganger – for real! I couldn’t help myself. But like in the movies, it didn’t last very long. Putting that in the novel may have brought about a lawsuit…}

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