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‘A great Read’
I got this book as a free download and I really enjoyed it. Not only does the Lady Justice series has lovable main characters, there is always something funny in each book that makes me laugh out loud, along with plenty of action of a more serious nature.

This book has a great plot line and I had a hard time putting it down. I thoroughly enjoy that the main characters in the book are all older individuals and romance is not dead and Walt and Ox can still kick some butt along with a motley crew of helpers. Two thumbs up. .
─ C. Toste

‘Thought Provoking’
The author says it all, people have to be taught to hate and it must be continually enforced to become firmly instilled within an individual. A good read with a thought provoking message.
─ John Grunwald

‘One of my favorite authors!’
I became acquainted with author Robert Thornhill’s Lady Justice series on the goodreads.com website when I was selected to receive a free copy of volume 1. I read it, liked it, and now own every volume in the series.

Robert has a way of combining mystery, comedy and a variety of social issues in a very readable format. Congrats Bob on another winner!

My husband has also read the entire series and as usual are eagerly awaiting the next volume.
─ Joyce Hesseltine

excerpt-300x50Edition #52 – October 13, 2013


By Robert Thornhill

The old warehouse in the West Bottoms had once been a small manufacturing operation, but the previous owners had long since closed the doors and moved to a country where wages were cheap and labor unions were non-existent.
It had set vacant for years until it was rented by ABC Ltd., a company cloaked in secrecy, affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood Confederation.
In the drafty hall that had been converted into a meeting room, Brant Jaeger, a representative of the company, sat across the table from Terrance Cobb, the Commander of the Ozark Militia.
“Nice digs, Brant. Looks like the Brotherhood is really living high on the hog.”
“Cut the crap, Cobb. Did you come here to insult me or are we going to do business together?”
“Calm down, Brant. I’m just a country boy havin’ a little fun. If we’re gonna work together, you gotta lighten up.”
“Sorry,” Jaeger replied, backing down. “What did your people have to say?”
“Like you said at our last meeting, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, but I think William Shakespeare said it best in The Tempest, ‘Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows’. We have concluded that our two organizations have a common goal — the removal of that heretic from office.”
“Shakespeare! I would never have guessed that you were a student of the classics.”
“Don’t underestimate us just because we prefer to live in the hills and shoot the food for our table. It wouldn’t be wise. Now if we’re finished with the verbal jousting, exactly what is your organization suggesting?”
“I think it is obvious,” Jaeger replied. “The only course of action left to us is assassination. It is a drastic course, but necessary if we are to protect our Second Amendment rights and keep our society from being further polluted by interlopers from foreign shores. Drastic times call for drastic measures.”
“Even if you are successful, what have you accomplished? The president’s successor is a carbon copy and supports the same agenda.”
“Precisely! That’s why it must be a duel assassination. We will eliminate both at the same time. In the current line of succession, the presidency would then fall to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, a member of the opposing party and a man more sympathetic to our mutual causes.”
“A double assassination! It has never been done! Are we embarking on a noble cause or a fool’s errand?”

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Award-winning author, Robert Thornhill, began writing at the age of sixty-six and in three short years has penned eleven novels in the Lady Justice mystery/comedy series, the seven volume Rainbow Road series of chapter books for children, a cookbook, and a mini-autobiography.

Lady Justice and the Sting, Lady Justice and Dr. Death, Lady Justice and the Vigilante, Lady Justice and the Book Club Murders, and Lady Justice and the Candidate won the Pinnacle Award for the best new mystery novels of Fall 2011, Winter 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, and Spring of 2013 from the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs.

Many of Walt’s adventures in the Lady Justice series are anecdotal and based on Robert’s real life.

Although Robert holds a master’s in psychology, he has never taken a course in writing, and has never learned to type. All 25 of this published books were typed with one finger and a thumb!

His wit and insight come from his varied occupations, including thirty-three years as a real estate broker.

He lives with his wife, Peg, in Independence, Missouri.

All Of The Lady Justice Novels are Available For Kindle And Nook!



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