I feel this book is destined to be a children’s classic because of author, Amanda Thrasher’s substantial gift for resolving any situation with courage and kindness. When their boundless sense of adventure lands Lilly and Boris in big trouble, it becomes a lesson for us all in the rewards of selfless valor. Subsequently, their very real fear of the consequences of their mischief, by their own attitudes of accepting responsibility, is transormed into a magical period in their young lives they will remember fondly always.
Having worked in a rock quarry in my younger days, I am impressed with Ms. Thrasher’s detail in describing the process of producing the fairy dust. I wonder if what I helped produce back then actually sparkled and I just never took time to notice it. I eagerly look forward to reading the next in the series of adventures in the mushroom patch!
─ John Beavin
Having read Amanda Thrasher’s first book in the Mushroom Patch series, I didn’t think perfection could be made better. Yet in A Fairy Match in the Mushroom Patch we meet beautiful Pearle. Watch how Lily, Boris, Jack, Ivy, Rose and Pearle learn to work as a team. During what could have been a loss of their homes they pull together doing as much as young fairies can do to help their elders to save the Mushroom Patch from certain destruction.
In this charming, whimsical, fun filled book Amanda Thrasher has made a true home run.
Even as an adult I loved this book and I highly recommend it to a parent or grandparent to read to their little ones or an adult to recapture the meaning of what a glorious thing it is to allow the young ones be a part of the solution.
Highly Recommended
─ M. Moran-Bishop
Edition #57 – November 17, 2013
By Amanda M. Thrasher
Lily, Boris, and Jack are back!
The three friends are together again in this newest addition to the Mischief Series. A natural disaster has taken the elders by surprise, and the scientists are unprepared. Damage to the colony is inevitable! Can the Master Engineers devise a plan to save the colony before they lose their home?
“It appears we have a little problem,” Mademoiselle Francesca said.
The ears of the little fairies perked up, as they listened to what Mademoiselle had to say.
“As you can see it’s still raining and has rained all evening, at times quite heavily.” She paused and looked at the faces of the little ones; they weren’t quite sure what to think yet. It had rained many times before and would likely rain more since the rainy season was just about upon them. So what could the problem possibly be?
“First and foremost, Flight 101 has been cancelled. The landing patch is flooded and since the brook is rising faster than we had expected, due to erosion, the master elders have asked that we issue a free day.” The fairies looked puzzled, at best, and Mademoiselle continued. “They’re issuing the free day in order to assess the current situation, any questions?”
Needless to say there were many questions, especially via Lilly. Had ther always been a problem she asked, that they weren’t aware of until now? Mademoiselle assured the fairlings that the master elders and the engineers were well aware of the erousion situation, and that it wasn’t new to them. They were cancelling the lessons merely because at this time the elders were needed for other things.
Mademoiselle Francesca continued, “Now, this would be a fabulous opportunity to leaf raft or stream race, on the paths of course. Stay away from the brook, which is not a safe place to be right now!” She raised her hand to her mouth and shushed the excited little fairies. “Listen please; this is very, very important. There will be dire consequences for any fairy that does not listen…have fun, stay safe, and stay together in groups,” she glanced at Lilly and winked. “Stay away from the brook, it is not safe.” She turned to Madame Louise, who stood at her side, whispered in her ear, and simply disappeared.
“One last thing,” Madame Louise said as he stood in front of the door, “If you hear the clapping of the clouds then the flashing in the sky is sure to follow, so you must, must come in…do you understand?” she asked adding, “Safety, safety, safety, first always, or the director will cite me for sure!” She giggled stepping out of the way; arm extended toward the door, she dismissed the beautiful, little fairies to play!
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Born in England, moved to Texas, resides there still, Amanda M. Thrasher is the author of The Mischief Series: Mischief in the Mushroom Patch and A Fairy Match in the Mushroom Patch. The third installment is underway.
Her latest releases include: ‘The Ghost of Whispering Willow’– a ghost mystery complete with a ghost feud, ghost village, and a kidnapping, and Sadie’s Fairy Tea Party- picture book, an interactive, quick read, complete with an activity.
Amanda wrote a graphic novel titled What If…A Story of Shattered Lives for the Texas Municipal Education Center, as part of the D.R.S.R. (Driving on the Right Side of the Road) program. Geared toward teen safety while driving, the graphic novel was adapted into a reader’s theater and is available through D.R.S.R.
Her next releases include a YA novel titled ‘The Greenlee Project’ (Copyright © 2012 Amanda M. Thrasher) and a picture book There’s a Gator Under My Bed (Copyright © 2013 Amanda M. Thrasher).
Amanda enjoys writing beautiful fairy stories, and hopes one day her characters, Lilly, Boris and Jack, become endearing favorites.
The Ghost of Whispering Willow is an adventurous paranormal mystery, intended to entertain rather than to scare the middle grade readers that it’s targeted toward.
he continues to conduct workshops, speaks with schools and works closely with her local Barnes and Nobles raising funds through community bookfair programs.
She contributes to a blog, assists other authors, and contributes to online magazines as well.